Member Directory
After numerous requests and a lot of research, I have a member directory working that is now available on the site. You will have to log in to use this so if you need help with that, please email me at You can search the directory for other members by name or email address […]
Official Launch
I am proud to announce that we have officially launched the site. The welcome email when out last week and users have been logging in and updating their passwords and information. Thanks to all of you who already have. Please feel free to join the conversation on how you would like the site to look […]
New Theme and Updates
Brothers, I have changed the theme of the website to be more conducive to our goals with this site. I have also updated most of the pages and retitled them. Please feel free to suggest changes as you see fit. Thank you! In the Bonds, Nathaniel Kemmer ’03
Welcome to the Iowa Xi chapter of Phi Kappa Theta alumni webpage. This site will allow you to check upcoming events and RSVP, reconnect with fellow brothers, pay dues online and read up on the progress of the house. Please take a few minutes to check out the site and post any comments or suggestions […]