Iowa Xi Celebrates 100 Years
2024 will have number of events to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Iowa Xi, the longest continuously operating chapter of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity.
Visit the Centennial page for details on all the events.

2024 Homecoming
Details for ISU’s Homecoming & Iowa Xi’s AGM on Nov. 2nd are now available on the Events page.
We have secured a block of 25 tickets for the game for Phi Kap alumni and their guests. The seats are located in section H and tickets will cost $70 a piece and are available on a first come, first serve basis. If you are interested in tickets, please reach out to Matt Quinn via email ASAP at Matthew Quinn. You can use Venmo for payment directly to Matt using @MattQuinn96.
Kickoff has been announced for 2:30pm so the schedule for the day will be as follows:
8:30am to 9:30am – The house will be open and undergrads will provide a tour of the house for alumni and guests.
9:30am to 10:30am – Alumni General Meeting, elections will be held so please plan to attend!
10:30am to 12:30pm – Lunch will be served by Hickory Park. Beverages will be provided but feel free to bring your own as well
2:30pm – Kickoff!
As always, alumni are free to park at the chapter house. Parking will be available on a first come first serve basis.
Don’t forget that we are also having an all-alumni dinner at The Range in Urbandale on Friday night from 6-9pm!
Please use the survey link 2024 RSVP Survey to indicate your interest in attending the tailgate and/or all-alumni dinner.
Stand In The Gap
Remembering Brothers Schatz, Biegger, and Hobson
Brian Biegger ’78 and Kirk Thomas ’76 are leading an effort to raise funds in memory of three brothers who recently entered the Chapter Eternal – Eric Schatz ‘78, Duane Biegger (Alumnus Initiate) ‘81, and Tom Hobson ’80.
This year, Iowa Xi celebrates 100 years of continuous existence since it was chartered in 1924. On April 26-28, there will be a Centennial Celebration in Ames for all alumni and collegiate brothers. We are the oldest continually active Phi Kap chapter in the country.
The money raised in memory of Eric, Duane, and Tom will go to reframing the original Phi Kappa charter (now 100 years old) and the merger charter from 1959. Funds left over will go towards a special project to construct a new sign at the corner of Lincoln Way and Beach that will complement the sign next to the front porch.
All alumni and friends of Iowa Xi are invited to donate to the Schatz-Biegger-Hobson memorial gift. Click here to donate today. To ensure your donation is included in the group memorial gift, please type the last name of at least one of the three men in the comments field.
This fundraising initiative is conducted through Iowa Xi’s Stand in the Gap program. Stand in the Gap is a memorial-giving program that raises funds for the Iowa Xi Undergraduate Chapter. A book is on display on the first floor of the Chapter House that lists the names of the memorialized men and the donors.
There are a number of ways to donate. Click the Donate link in the menu to learn about each fund.
- Alumni Chapter
- 2110 Club
- Greg Stein Endowment Fund
- Jim Victor Endowment Fund
- Richard Concannon Scholarship Fund
- Michael “Dayton” Fahning Scholarship Fund
- Stand in the Gap
- Phi Kappa Theta National Foundation